
Because Syria is the worst humanitarian crisis in the world currently according to the UN, whereas Gaza is a poor area but not poorer than yemen (or multiple other countries), and does not have an active refugee crises.

Twitter: Exposing the Lack of Depth of American Thought Since 2006.

Well they definitely fought for the freedom to miss jokes.

He did, but he missed it.

Clint: Do it. Do it!
Tim: No you do it!
Clint: [giggling]
Tim: [giggling]
Clint: Hey Mr. President... you got a Secret Service guy named Bill Sass?
Obama: Why no... Why no, I don't believe so... Hold on, Hillary's right here, I'll check with her... Hey Hillary, have you seen Bill Sass anywhere?
Hillary: [eye roll]
Clint: [dyi

Obama only got through on the 16th attempt. Tim Howard blocked all the other calls.

You seem to have a lot of unresolved rage and, from your comments, don't appear to really like anything. Have you considered 4chan?

Yeah, well, fuck you.

We survived the group of death. We dictated a game to Portugal the "number 4 team in the world" This website said we wouldn't earn a point. Yet every team looked beatable. Argentina looks beatable, Brazil looks very beatable, MEXICO almost beat the dutch.... and so we dream....

Thank you, Captain WetBlanket.

Yeh your probably right. Not enough commercial breaks to advertise Coca Cola Taco Bell and Bank of America, they would never allow it. There's a reason the rest of the world live and breath football

The only embarrassing thing for the U. S. during that game was the person at my work who screamed "C'mon Altidore" every time Beasley touched the ball.

You spent real, actual, literal, hard currency on this?

Feminism is about establishing social, political, and cultural equality and rights for women. Not as much equal treatment as it is equal opportunity and respect. Now I'm not criticizing that ideal, and women have right to pursue whatever career should they so choose, but the bulk of feminism is about being taken

You're welcome. I couldn't have done it without reader OtakuMan24, who was a champ when it came to corralling the nominations.

Thanks for sorting all that out, Mr. Totilo. You did a really impressive job of sorting out what was basically a herd of cats voting.

Here's the question for everyone complaining: did the ref make Mexico go into turtle mode five minutes into the second half? It was one of the most inexplicable tactical displays I've seen at this level of competition. Mexico didn't just fail to attack in the second half; they seemed actively not to want to attack.

look at his face, he was just hit by a missile

waht r u, casul?