
Sand is coming

And Game of Pharoahs goes the way of.....the pharoahs.

Feminism is about establishing social, political, and cultural equality and rights for women. Not as much equal treatment as it is equal opportunity and respect. Now I'm not criticizing that ideal, and women have right to pursue whatever career should they so choose, but the bulk of feminism is about being taken

High School Batman.

You're welcome. I couldn't have done it without reader OtakuMan24, who was a champ when it came to corralling the nominations.

Thanks for sorting all that out, Mr. Totilo. You did a really impressive job of sorting out what was basically a herd of cats voting.

Here's the question for everyone complaining: did the ref make Mexico go into turtle mode five minutes into the second half? It was one of the most inexplicable tactical displays I've seen at this level of competition. Mexico didn't just fail to attack in the second half; they seemed actively not to want to attack.

look at his face, he was just hit by a missile

Congratulations on quitting. You have said you have some health problems. You don't need any more.

I agree with your final point, but Constantine's smoking habit is a little different from Renly's peach, wouldn't you say?

NBC is weird. Hannibal can feature all manner of cannibalism, mutilation, charnel gardens, and horse corpses giving birth to people, but cigarettes are forbidden.

Not as annoying to me as Marvel's "no smoking policy." Don't get me wrong, I'm a militant anti-smoker myself but grew up on J. Jonah Jameson with those cigars, ditto Nick Fury and Ben Grimm, not the same without them.

It's called "poor characterization." If the smoking (and the lung cancer) were key points of the original character (and they were), removing it makes the character far less of a "faithful conversion."

So Robben didn't dive at all? You get the fuck outta here! His mindset the moment he stepped in the box was dive, dive, dive. That's what is so objectionable. You really think there was enough contact to make him go down? Get the fuck outta here!

Man, Robben is the worst. Not at football, obviously, he's really damn good at that, but as a human. Maybe it was a pen - could have gone either way - but he is a genuine, flat-out cheat. Some guys just exaggerate it when they are fouled with minimal contact (that's bad enough, but defensible) but Robben is just a

Should probably change "was taken down in the box" to "theatrically dives over leg and baits referee into a call"

This happens to me occasionally, and usually because I notice something doesn't add up. Last time it happened I was dreaming I was pregnant, and my mother was angry with me, asking me to defend my actions. I remembered its been approximately a billion years since I had sex and therefore couldn't possibly be knocked

waht r u, casul?

Let the hate flow through you.