My brother has an Xbox one.
My brother has an Xbox one.
I'm pretty sure this is some kind of automated YouTube test/calibration system.
It's an /x/ related attempt to be spooky, channeling the mysteriousness of number stations.
Half Life 3 confirmed.
"Hi, yes, my name is Darren Rovell, and I'm concerned that one of your writers, a Mr. J Swift, implores me to eat newborn infants. This is quite troubling, and I advise disciplinary measures posthaste."
Okay, I'm going to say this with three qualifiers for the sake of clarity:
I present tonight, for your approval, this group of aspiring and established actors that are vying to reclaim the halcyon days of science fiction theater. Understanding of the fear and rage of countless fans, if they do not provide the utmost entertainment, has been instilled in them by a most avarice director. For…
Oh for god's sake. You didn't get the joke. Stop acting like that's the joke's fault.
You're hoping that some guy, who was trying his best to represent the thoughts of everyone involved in this game at Nintendo, should be sacked for their earlier comment, which was not in the least offensive? Jesus christ. Please take the social warrior shit back to tumblr, it was an oversight as part of the game…
So brave
I think this is a load of crap, Nintendo shouldn't have to apologize for making the game as they wanted to. If the game doesn't appeal to you, then don't buy it. This is why there is no creative direction with games anymore. You have all of these people on the internet giving you shit while you're making a game. "If…
As someone in full support of marriage equality, I feel that the outrage over this was really kinda' crazy... and by kinda', I mean extremely.
It's OK, college kids. Every adult week is indeed worse than worst college week. However, you just go dead inside and stop feeling bad about it eventually. So in the end, every adult week starts feeling more like marginally shitty college week. It evens out.
Wouldn't work anyway... in college, getting hit by a car gets curved up to getting almost run over by a unicyclist in a hurry.