
It was my first episode too! It was a horrible HORRIBLE first experience and I was hooked. I couldn't believe something this dark could exist in an anime.

A thousand times yes.

Dat cast.

But behind those choices was Nolan (the good one). Bale, Ledger, all of them there was hesitation, but then we remembered it was Christopher Nolan calling the shots and the internet calmed down.

Yes but Christopher Nolan was behind that decision. Snyder is behind this one.


I'm asking out of plain ignorance, and since you mention you work in a medical school I thought you might have some insight.

Characters should show the way they are and their motivations through action, instead of just describing them or telling the reader what drives them, but is there room for contemplation? In the context of this post, of course.

You're right. I think it's officially "too much to count", or "more than we'll ever need".

I think 5 million.

I don't know much about shoes, but I got that message right away. There's an amazing contrast in that scene, and it just screams at you that Lydia doesn't belong there.

Amazing episode, once again. I loved the stand-off in the very first seconds of the show, with low angles on both Hank and Walt, both itching for their respective cellphones. In that same scene, Walt had lighter colors, beige and white, while Hank had darker colors, a dark purple and the complete darkness of his

I can understand (to a point) that a lot of Asian cultures have a weird fascination with Nazi miscellanea, since they were detached from the European front, and were probably more worried about the Japanese than Hitler.

It was an American that first complained in this case as well as in the Indonesian cafe. But yes, I was being unfair, since most Americans aren't like this.

Because Americans complain a lot, about stuff that they don't understand and doesn't concern them, and when they do it, they tend to be pretty loud.

Pan's Labyrinth is loud?

I thought he came back already. I think I read it from a comment on this site a while ago. It took Marvel like 3 issues or something.

I saw the headline to this post, but I decided to read your review after watching the episode. And I have to tell you I was with you all the way until this line:

I totally agree that women's chests are more sexualized (by far). I guess I meant that man-boobs (moobs for short) are on their way to that point (though still far away).

Men's chest have slowly become more sexualized in the last 5 years though, with all the Twilights and Arrows and such.