
I' m sorry you didn't like Man of Steel, I thought it was very good on some things, while boring and dumb in others.

Ugh. This has Young Adult Fiction written all over it.

I have read many reviews for this movie over this week and I have to say that not two are complaining about the same things or praising the same things.

The "maybe" line showed how Jonathan was way out of his league, and how they were in this together. The man was going to teach him about humility and service by keeping him on the farm (and maybe protecting him from the outside world) as well.

Well, he was about to teach him about humility, service and respect, by working on the farm, then a tornado killed him. So it showed how wayward we can turn out to be without proper guidance.

The script did suck balls! The dialogue, my god:

The mind boggles.

No it doesn't! Guile's theme doesn't go with everything!

This is the viraliest of all the virals I've ever seen.

The logic is there, but where is the justice?

And he was into anime! Practically a terrorist! Can you imagine the things he might have learned when he was researching the fourth season of Pokemon?

There's wasted potential for sure. Instead of conquering 3 cities, have Dany conquer 1, and then, using the resources of her new city, set out to explore Old Valyria, so she can learn where her ancestors came from, to see if there's more Valyrian steel for her army and MAYBE more dragon eggs? The risk is worth it if

I agree with you about Essos being oversimplified by Dany, but I still think it's not that interesting. Maybe because of the names, or because the side-characters have no personality or maybe because I know none of this matters because it's all about getting to Westeros.

I thought the whole thing at the end was more political if anything. Jorah literally states: "You didn't conquer them, you liberated them".

Yeah, I mean, the budget's there, but I don't think it needed a sequel. I think the first one stands on its own pretty well.

I agree. This has "Direct to DVD" written all over it.

Sure, why not.