
It would've been great to actually see Bob Ross punch that TV executive in the face, alas.

Interesting to us because she came back. But as a character that has needs and now thinks differently and motivations change, I don't think we have see much of her at all. There hasn't been a chance for her to be interesting I think.


Meredith, you set the bar high with "...will make you scream" bit. But that bar was swiftly destroyed with a giant katana-container-ship.

The first season stuck to the first book almost scene for scene, and the second one slightly less so.

Strangely hypnotizing.

Viscosity is still a bit off, but even so, it's amazing.

The questions weren't that hard, but still, 13/13.

To be completely fair, although money and time was wasted, scientific progress is still there. I feel bad for the people with one of these diseases, where two years could make all the difference in their lives.

To be completely honest, I already gotten used to it. And now I have to get the hang of this comment system.

That top picture looks like a still from one of those old dinosaur movies.

Edit: I guess gifs are not working yet?

JJ Abrams has the Doomsday device from Alias, an immortal Smoke Monster, and Steven Spielberg's blessing to do whatever the fuck he wants.

Um. This is one is easy. Rowling likes how well Abrams redoes franchises so she goes back in time using the thingamajig and asks Abrams to direct all the Harry Potter movies, thus giving him absolute power over the combined forces of three universes: Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter.


I attached the video in my reply to Maltbrew, check it out.

His deodorant.

Now playing

Having been in a long-distance relationship myself, I totally agree with you. That kind of relationship, especially if it is in its early stages, is very fragile, and any kind of help is appreciated.