
We all know the world is not black and white, but believe it or not, there is a small number of people with a crapload of money, while a crapload of people have small amounts of money... in like, the real world.

I though Source Code was flashier and "bigger" than Moon, but still a very good movie (to be fair, I expected it to be crappy, so it was a pleasant surprise). Sad ending and all.

A navy of whale sharks.

Now playing

This was my reaction when I saw Captain Murphy at the end of Archer.

Those be internet fightin' words if I ever saw any.

Australia, you're gonna need a bigger truck.

I wasn't even in elementary school when the wall came down, and over the years I never came very close to studying deeply how society in the USSR changed when this happened. So forgive me if come on too obvious by saying that the McDonald's picture used as header is perfect, and it subtly shows who won the Cold War.

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Disappointed this was not posted earlier:

Oh you're one of those Johnny Depp apologists I guess.

Members of the committee agreed that it was unlikely we'd suffer a major calamity from an asteroid strike any time soon.

I don't think the website sucks, in fact I think the content has gotten better and it has much less, if at all, clickbaiting going on (like io9's sister sites like to do).

Of course it will feature Johnny Depp as the dragon.

I loved Prometheus. I thought it was a very good movie.

A thousand times yes. It didn't take me long to accept that I enjoy those stories only slightly more than the main books.

I'm not a super fan of the series but that idea is what dreams are made of.

Peru sure likes their gay porn alright. And hentai is number 2 in New Zealand! That's, that's something I guess.

Oh I agree about the simplification it brings, and I applaud simple changes with big impacts. But people are stuck in their ways I guess, myself (sometimes) included. Sometimes I tutor math and when trying to explain simpler ways of seeing problems, students freak out because it's not the same *thing* shown to work by

Inspired choice of words and image.

"Bad drivers, professors, teachers, government officials, and police oppose sousveillance"

I think the small movement to use tau instead of pi was covered on io9 some time ago. And while I agree solutions would be more elegant and it would save *some* computing time, it's hard to change from something so elemental and that we have learned from so early on.