
This is hilarious, horrible news.

Of course it did.

Now playing

I'd watch a show about Dr Michael Double and Whale Scientist Natalie Schmitt. He, a retired Whale Whisperer, a hermit living in the ocean after an expedition gone horribly wrong; she a rising star with the passion but the need of guidance from a mentor.

Pixar gets my attention by doing original, incredible stories, with characters that are so different from anywhere else, you can't help being sucked into their world...

Sounds interesting, I'll definitely be following this.

Where's the MIB when you need them.

Congratulations Charlie Jane! This calls for a party of some kind, perhaps of the awesome kind.

Well, technically you should have a 51/49 split.

God, that was an amazing series. Loved every minute of it.

I think I saw something like a proto-trailer for this a while ago... maybe on Kotaku? Anyways! This looks terrific, and I want to see this yesterday.

That text below the pic is awesome.

That was excellent.

Yes, and after reading your reply to Evil Tortie's Mom I died again.

Brace yourself for the hordes of Joey fanboys.

My GOD I died reading your comment.

You have chosen... wisely.

That kinda makes sense...? It's like he had some kind of spiritual awakening.


Eh, they're not so bad as snakes. I hate snakes!

Well, I liked him in Everybody's Fine... but you're pretty much spot on with everything else.