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    He's definitely the most competent leader. Plus, if he wins, you just know the civil wars will end for good, unlike what will happen with Cersei or Daenerys.

    I think it was poor editing, but all three dragons were present at the battle, and two returned. Unfortunately this isn't clear in any shot, so I may be wrong.

    He was dead, but now he's alive. Presumably resurrected by the eternal enemy of the White Walkers, the Lord of Light, so likely beyond their reach. That is, if the Lord of Light even exists at all, of course.

    Nothing Dany did so far looks full-on villainous or mad. She executed enemies who refused to acknowledge her right to rule, much like any king or queen would have done. Harsh, but understandable in the context of this fantasy war. In contrast, the Mad King set people on fire on a whim, for either pleasure or for

    Regarding the plan to capture a wight, it's doubly strange because Tyrion *knows* his sister, even if no-one else in Dany's court does. He knows she's deranged and bent on destroying everything in her path. He knows she'll betray everyone who isn't her.

    He more or less wanted Sam to die, so the elder Tarly deserved to die in my books. He did manage a principled, dignified death. (Sort of, though: he still died for Cersei).

    The opposite of “serious“ isn't “dumb soap opera“ (I don't know which soap operas you've been watching that feature incest and eunuch sex, by the way). GoT is an escapist fantasy adventure, and it never pretends to be more than that. Its novelty lies in its budget and production values and on more nuanced characters,

    I… I must be dumb because I don't understand how Daenerys' insistence on having everyone bend the knee is related to her “right“ to ask soldiers fight White Walkers or with Cersei running things (and did I give any indication of wanting this?).

    I agree it's not Very Serious Drama, but why is "dumb soap opera" the only alternative? Do you consider it dumb because it's a fantasy adventure with dragons? Or because it plays a bit too fast and loose with time and distances? Escapism doesn't automatically mean dumb. "Dungeons & Dragons: The Movie" was dumb, but

    Jamie must survive because of the reason you mentioned, but Bronn was the one I actually wanted to survive. I want him to survive because he remains a commoner, regardless of whatever phony title the Lannisters give him, and because he's cool, and because he's still Tyrion's friend.

    I don't entirely disagree with what you're saying here, but I don't think the writers are painting Daenerys as a bitch or always in the wrong. If anything, in this episode she is right and Tyrion is wrong (by the way, just how many times can Tyrion be wrong and still keep being the Hand of the Queen?). If the writers

    Agreed, though I don't think her children are stupid. Both Morty and Summer are becoming suprisingly insightful… at times.

    I think the show makes sense. We don't know that the common people don't care about the Sept (though note it doesn't actually affect most of them, unlike an actual war); we're shown very little of them, besides them pelting Yara with garbage. But just because they don't like Cersei doesn't mean they will welcome a

    I'm not sure, since Cersei is demented. Who knows what she'll do to King's Landing if she thinks she's losing? Besides, I think Dany doesn't want to be seen as a bloodthirsty conqueror by the common people.

    20 minutes? You're braver than I am! I couldn't get past the opening scene. It was awful.

    As for George writing the goddamn books: I have the lingering suspicion he just doesn't enjoy the subject anymore. I mean, how many decades has he spent (on and off) with the damn story? I can totally understand if he's fed up with it, and wouldn't fault him. Unfortunately, bored writers do not write good novels…

    Ramsay, while cartoonish, looked and behaved like a depraved madman and was scary in ways Euron can never be. Possibly because the actor who plays Euron doesn't look scary at all.

    Agreed about Meli, though I think she also deludes herself. She performs tricks for unbelievers, but she actually believes in the Lord of Light (whether said god actually exists is another matter), and also believes in her visions. That's why she's so surprised Stannis wasn't The One.

    We have not been shown the followers of the Lord of Light are correct. In fact, we've been shown at least one — Melisandre — was explicitly *mistaken* (something that hasn't happened in the books yet, by the way). She has acknowledged she was wrong all along.

    They did, but we are talking about whether they were “universally beloved“, which they weren't. Especially not by Star Wars fans! The Phantom Menace in particular is considered crap by a lot of fans. Had it not been part of the franchise, maybe it would have been received better.