Andrew Y

On the 2nd part, thanks for clarifying. But while Chuck may have entrapped Jimmy into confessing he only did so because he was embarrassed in a public hearing in front of his client and the bank regulators. This was the worst possible way for a proud man like him to be humiliated, and he knew his brother was behind

Wait. The only reason I can think of is Jimmy loves Kim and was pissed at his brother and Chuck for them getting a client back. Which is totally reasonable action and one any firm would try. Nothing unethical there. Is there another reason I missed?

Not in 2001 it wasn't. That is what we had until Blackberry started becoming the next "thing". I think I got one in 2003 and was only slightly behind the curve

Come on. Chuck took him into the law firm in the mail room to give him gainful employment, keep Jimmy out of jail and to keep an eye on him. That act of kindness doesn't require him to have a lifelong obligation to Jimmy. It doesn't work that way. Chuck is an equity partner with a fiduciary relationship to his

Agreed. Chuck is terrible and jealous and mentally ill. The latter being the most significant of the 3.

No. that would be idiotic.

It was slow. Really slow. I will always keep watching, but hopefully the last 3 are better than this.

Rectify is the best investment a quality TV watcher could make. 30 episodes, incredible writing, superb acting and an entirely plausible story line. It was the best show on television when it ran.

Thank you. I never watched BB when it was on, but caught up a year after and was really surprised to find that the anti-Skyler mob on the internet existed. But then again, I'm easily surprised at how binary people are (see Chuck as the bad brother). Life is much more nuanced.


How did he ruin his life? Jimmy was a practicing attorney and a specialty in Elder Care plus also a principal in a huge law suit against a national nursing home consortium. Jimmy decided to sabotage Chuck's legal work and that is what led to the current situation.

Huh? So your solution is for the show to hire total unknown actors? That is ridiculous.

An old gf used to call it "PTA". I guess it was okay for her to use that term but I wouldn't.

Jimmy did that to himself. He should really have been disbarred. The one year rip was a gift and for him not to recognize that makes him a lousy human being, Much worse than Chuck.

Interesting. This was my least favorite. Maybe I was tired but I never looked at my watch that many times. Plus, I'm not a fan of the reprehensible Jimmy/Saul and what he did in the last scene was awful. Good for Kim to recognize that what they did to Chuck was way over the top.

One thing I was surprised about is that they have Jimmy wearing modern cut short suit jackets and double vents. That wasn't the style back in 2001.

Runner's do this all the time after the run is over and the need to get somewhat clean before going out to eat or just dry off. I never called it any particular name but it is one of the main reasons I just run from home these days. Kind of gnarly

Thanks. I seem to be the only person who was really disappointed at how cold Jimmy was to Rebecca. Ultimately, after all that happened, they are still brothers and their only remaining family. I understand why Jimmy wouldn't run over there with Rebecca at that moment, but he could have handled it in any # of ways

that is irrelevant. Obviously we are talking about fictional characters but that wasn't the question

Do you usually root for horrible people? Just wondering where to draw the line