Off the top of my head, Dexter, Nurse Jackie and Masters of Sex for sure. Weeds and Shameless probably belong on that list.
Off the top of my head, Dexter, Nurse Jackie and Masters of Sex for sure. Weeds and Shameless probably belong on that list.
Homeland would have been an all time epic if they had written the last episode properly and just ended it after Season 1. The audience would have been screaming for more. Instead it went all fantasyland and I lost interest after two more awful seasons
I don't really care for either of their characters but agree that it could be the writing and not their performances.
I am just imaging how the people who run this show brought this mess to Showtime and got them to greenlight such an awful disjointed season. Somehow the "money for nothing" chorus is just ringing in my head. Showtime does manage to present shows that have a lot of potential and compelling storylines, but the writing…
oh well. If I decided whether to listen to bands based simply on their name I'd have missed a lot.
The last two albums have been tremendous. I love Giant Orange, but think Famous Graves is even better. Thought Senseless on that album is worth checking out.
As strange as that sounds, I think you may be right. he is clearly hallucinating and having visions so anything is possible.
I gladly FF through it each week. Anything to say 2 minutes here or there.
No, you are correct. She did not encourage her at all, but was grateful to get her down.
Terrible writing. Even considering the mental illness possibility there simply is no way these perspectives could differ on such mundane issues. It was difficult to watch, much less care about. The lone moment I enjoyed was hitting "yes, delete" on the remote.
thank you. Glad I'm not the only one.
I thought the opposite. Not that I liked last week that much, but man was this an awful episode. Total dreck. I hate shows that center around bickering parent's. As if that subject hasn't been beaten into the ground already.
Thanks. Just to be clear I can cry and will do so when I feel it. cried a lot when I watched the HBO documentary on the Boston Marathon bombing. That was real life and truly heartbreaking to see what the survivors were going through. I am sure I've cried during Rectify or other drama shows but I am much more…
I just went back and checked and "I meant Janet" was in my CC.
me too.
Jared's parents are Ted and Janet. You have it correct.
there was a scene cut out from last weeks episode that would have explained this a bit better but yes that was odd. When they did the 2 minute recap last week there was a scene with Billy and Amantha at a 'normal' family function that must have gotten cut out at the last minute and now they have deleted it. It would…
I guess I'm dead inside. I didn't shed a tear. It was a great episode and overall one of the best TV shows ever, but I can't remember actually shedding a tear watching an episode. But I have them all recorded and will see if I can summon one up.