

Regarding the Night’s King song, I got huge Westworld vibes during that whole sequence. Must have been the piano playing over a slow motion shot of a emotionally-robotic death machine

I think Myrcella’s death was the end of season 5. It wasn’t 4 because I just finished rewatching that season.

Putting a front plate on this is going to suck...

Is the roller in the center removable? My regular vacuum roller is removable since hair gets twisted to the point I have to cut it off.

I love the idea of a virtual standby line, but Disney uses the lines as a form of crowd management (hence the increasingly detailed line areas) and I doubt they would change that model.

Holy shit is that Bob Casey number real? It’s more than double the next highest on that list!

Maybe the $1500 included what he was paying for his own car too?

While all big cats, including leopards, jaguars, and tigers, are collectively referred to as “black panthers,”

So we saw this commercial, and it was mind boggling (in a bad way) because he takes the top bun off to seemingly put ketchup on his burger, and then puts the ketchup on the side and then closing the burger to dip. WTF?! WHO DOES THAT?

Wait that’s her real hand?? Does she never bend her fingers??? Or did she photoshop the lines away?!

Great Lakes does have an option to apply excess payments to grouped loans. I prefer paying off the high interest rate loans first since 3 of the 4 have the same rate, but you still have the option to snowball as well.

Second Lucha Libre. So delicious!

$69. Nice.

$69. Nice.

Tony says Miss Potts at the beginning of the trailer.

Still gonna watch this but the underwater effect just makes them look like a video game theatrical cutscene or the unfortunate Warcraft movie(which is not a good movie to be associated with).

Just want to point out (since I’m a sub and it’s necessary) that Mang0 is spelled with a zero instead of the letter O. That is all.

Yeah I get that, but if it wasn’t made by Netflix, are they allowed to say it’s a Netflix Original? 

Why does it say “A Netflix Original”? 

Devs should have responded: “It’s water, it drys up.”