
The Spotify Gaming portal is dead, and the replacement has a bunch of non video game playlists that don’t seem to have any actual soundtracks...

When you have to defend your show/character from a person whose twitter handle is jarjarstiddies...

Great season and a great show. My only quibbles: this season had so many “You’ve gotta come see this” moments and lines that I expected it any time a non-named character came out or a computer beeped. Maybe I’ve watched too many cinemasins videos...

Wait does cyberpunk mean no one has biological feet anymore?

I wish I could star this whole post. Welcome back, we’re beyond glad to have ya!

Plus, there was the added uncomfortable subtext that the panel for Aquaman (which included Amber Heard, Depp’s ex-wife) was the next to take the stage. —Cheryl

The cheaper one can’t be shipped to California...

The cheaper one can’t be shipped to California...

Caveat: Some Employer 401(ks) will not match Roth contributions. My match will only apply to Pre-Tax contributions, which is why I selected a Traditional 401(k) over a Roth 401(k). Obviously if you don’t have a match, this is negated.

If anyone was wondering how long it takes the refund to post, I submitted mine Friday at 6 pm after leaving the theater and it posted on Saturday.

Man this tweet didn’t even have time to age.

Call it Hairy Potter haha

Depends, did you get the shirt legally? Then you don’t need permission. If you didn’t, well you still don’t need permission.

Mew2King got a VIP invite and will be at E3 and at least in the background for the Smash Invitational (unconfirmed if he will play some part in the tournament, but he did say he’ll get to play the game).

If only the infotainment wasn’t terrible and ugly...

I don’t think Shogun World is open to the public yet. Hence no dead guests, only Delos Security forces.

Don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet, but my impression of the blank hosts was not that their programming was erased, but that they never had programming to begin with. The Delos guy said they were “virgin”.

I really want to eat these pizza friends

Mew2King is now a Nintendo Brand ambassador, he might get a different type of invite. Plus it says “Challengers”, so who are they challenging?


GoT Catan shows $64 already boooo

GoT Catan shows $64 already boooo