Andrew Vineberg

What else could they have done though? Like Rust said, "This is a world where nothing is solved". So they leave things unsolved, they leave us searching, perpetually wondering, even paranoid. It's kind of the only way they could've done it. They've turned us into Rust. Into the readers of the King in Yellow. Forever

Made me think of that too. I feel like they were almost intentionally playing off our memory of the Breaking Bad finale. And then they one-upped it by showing the sniper actually had a gun.
At this rate the Community finale will have someone actually get shot!

Until at least ONE character achieves the American dream, damn it!

Talk about Jimmy Junior. The use of Ragged Dick is a callback to "Broadway Limited", when Nucky regretfully tells Jimmy he used to remind him of the book's protagonist. Gyp Rosetti also read Nucky's copy of the book in "Two Imposters". (Just in case anyone forgot.)