There are too many amazing JRPGs in the 16-bit era to crown one the best
There are too many amazing JRPGs in the 16-bit era to crown one the best
Lmao, thanks for this “not all men” aside and an explanation of what toxic masculinity is!
This is how stupid you are. I never once claimed “a wall” is racist. Please screenshot and highlight in red where I did. Pro Tip: You won’t be able to because it never happened.
It’s amazing how good real food tastes when you are actually hungry at meal time.
Makoto is best girl.
I read an article recently where a woman was cyberbullied by a man because she replied to his comment on a controversial news story - apparently he was angry about her reply, looked up her profile and started sending abusive emails, trying to mess with her finances, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy saw a…
Damn, now you have autism. RIP.
The way I’ve always seen it done at bars is that after you scoop the ice into the glass, you top it off with water. The water will only get to just above freezing (which is good enough for chilling a glass for a cocktail), but the increased surface contact will cool it down faster.
spotted the Yeti rep
spotted the Yeti rep
Meanwhile, Jerry Jones remains infuriatingly healthy.
“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” -Someone Else (told to me by ANOTHER person)
That’s quite the switch for AP.
So let me translate this to our language. EA bought a Season Pass for $20 million in which one of things to be available in 2019 was exclusive executive Patrick Söderlund and it came out they didn’t get him?
Hot take: The Avengers hasn’t aged well and now looks and feels like a made-for-tv movie.
So these guys got into the house without force and demanded specific items instead of just robbing the victim? Yea this isn't Shady at all....
See he’s already getting the travelling non calls.
The fact that the victim stuck around after all that is amazing. I’ll take any excuse to quit a workout and go home.
My best, Ed