
“There are too many amazing JRPGs in the 16-bit era to crown one the best.” That is incorrect, because PSIV is very clearly the GOAT.

The defensiveness really takes it to the next level when you’re going full #notallmen. Preach!

I think he just mansplained toxic masculinity at you. What a time to be alive!


Yeah, back in those days Simms was by far the worst, that is the only known constant. For me, I just don’t think Aikman is at all capable of translating whats happening on the field into interesting information for the viewer. But he did give us this and I will forever be grateful:

Witten needs some speech coaching to help him control his pacing and prevent getting tripped up. I think he’s knowledgeable and likeable but needs a lot of polishing.

Among Phil Simms, Aikman, and Gruden? Of the main guys he was definitely the best, but thats more of a condemnation of football commentary than anything.

Chris used to be the best but he has sunk into a lot of platitudes the last couple seasons. He needs to step up his game.

This is probably the most interesting thing about the 5:2 diet for me. Food on the day after fast is always the best.

My little girl is following in her daddy’s footsteps and likes to make a ‘cocktail’ before dinner, so we let her muddle up some fruit with juices and mint and shake it up. Fun for the whole family, and when she’s old enough I’ll have her start making my drinks too.

Washington Bone Spurs

Not cocktail specs, apparently.

No, you are 100% correct, these fries are pathetic. They’re probably the worst among all major fast food chains. They are only edible when they are fresh out of the frier, heavily salted, and eaten within like 1 minute of being served. RIP if you get CFA to go.

Jesus my eyes.

Counterpoint: marinate all your non-beef meats in shio koji and then slather them in yuzu kosho.

Its not going to penetrate all the way into the middle of the meat anyways. 24 hours would be sufficient for any piece of meat I’m sure.

The reason no one does this is because freezer temp whiskey is incredible harsh and tannic on the wood notes. Tastes like you’re chewing on a piece of oak lumber

I’m gonna go on the record here to say that Laoganma Fried Chili in Oil is superior to Chili Crisp. If you haven’t tried it you gotta get your butt to the market.

Best fat washed thing I ever had was a duck fat washed rye in a Sazerac.

Probably could use it in place of something like shortening in a pie crust. That way if you’ve got any residual rummy flavor it will fit right in.