Have child. Feed child bananas. Profit. Also they’re best when they’re still a little green. Spotty brown is trash.
Have child. Feed child bananas. Profit. Also they’re best when they’re still a little green. Spotty brown is trash.
This has happened to me. It is horrific. If you have deep ear canals they’ll crawl all the way in and beat their little wings against your ear drum, and the only way to get them out is to drown them with mineral oil and then drain your ear once they’re dead. Fun stuff!
They’re hallucinogenic mushrooms. Everything in Super Mario Bros. is a hallucination and Mario ‘dying’ is him losing his high, so he has to pop another mushroom in order to get back to his fantasy.
What’s wrong with your faaacccceee?
The margarita is a classic daisy spec. A number of different cocktails fall in these same proportions, and they’re generally referred to as sours (more common) or daisies (more craft cocktail snobby). You can muck with the proportions a little, but the general template is 2 oz spirit, 0.75 oz acid and 0.75 oz syrup.…
You could juice prickly pear and then dope it with citric and malic acid to make it simulate the acidity of lime juice.
That’s a loooootttttt of maraschino, and I love maraschino.
What looks? Half the white women in Texas look exactly like this. She is a 5 at best.
It would be bad but you could still have schaudenfreude.
If the KFC isn’t doing it I’m not sure what will.
Re: straws, bring your own if you like them so much.
In my experience, there is nothing women appreciate or enjoy more than being told how to breastfeed by a man. This is great advice.
Its cool to see a Dragonball movie animated well. All of the previous ones have just been cleaner versions of the TV show animation, but the designs and fluidity in this look pretty sexy.
I’d say an extreme aversion to feeling any kind of guilt or responsibility to the creatures that work for you is critical in becoming one of these assholes. Can’t be a billionaire if you treat your employees like human beings that are worthy of happiness.
Honestly I think they just want to be in the news. They’re very much of the ‘all press is good press’ mentality.
What goes on in your brain.
Too small for big ice.
Too small for big ice.
How are you so right?
He’s really overrated and cheesy. Rewatching his work on the Marvel films, I’m glad he wussed out and they let the Russos take over. Edit: and Firefly is just a poor man’s Cowboy Bebop.