
Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I would not go toe-to-toe with the wife on that one, but in my experience with stored breast milk, it does not really ‘settle out’ very quickly and I personally don’t buy into the idea that microwaving can cause damage to the nutrients unless you’re going to bring the whole lot to a boil for

I don’t understand the fear of the microwave regarding milk. Milk is a liquid and the heat distributes pretty much instantaneously when you stir it up. If its too hot when you stir it you’ll know, there’s really not a lot of risk of accidentally giving your baby scalding milk unless you just don’t check it. There are

Sheeeeeeeeeet I need to make some milk punch this weekend...

The tonarelli cutter sucks.

The tonarelli cutter sucks.


Yeah, whip it in a blender (or using a stick blender) for hyper aeration. As for the salt, its optional, but when you think about the role salt plays in flavor perception it makes a lot of sense. There’s a reason high-end cocktail bars put a touch of salt in their drinks.

Classic hater. Why don’t you try it out and see what you think instead of being a close-minded chud?

Do what Modernist Cuisine does and spin it in a blender with a few grains of kosher salt. Instant aeration and the salt brings out a lot more of the wine’s flavor.

Yep, 2 parts sweet and 1 part spirit is going to trend into cloying territory.

I’ll have to check out that Lustau, sounds interesting. My experience with vermouth is that A) I go through it reaaaallllllly fast so spoilage is never a concern for me and B) the rate of spoilage is a little overhyped online. An easy solution is to rebottle the liter into smaller bottles and leave as little headspace

I think it’s way too herbaceous for a sweet vermouth and lacks the bitterness that you want in cocktails where it is called for, and it has a decidedly ‘wine-y’ flavor that I don’t particularly care for in Manhattans and the like.

I honestly do the same thing for negronis as well. I find a 1:1:1 cocktail where you have two sweet components to be cloying.

I’m just not a fan of Dolin. I think it’s way too herbaceous for a sweet vermouth and lacks the bitterness that you want in cocktails where it is called for. As a rule of thumb I stick with French producers for dry and Italian producers for sweet vermouths, so by all means roll with Dolin Dry. If you don’t want to

Even better with Gran Classico in place of the Campari. And actually, for a Boulevardier I’m a fan of a 2:1:1 ratio instead of 1:1:1. And for the love of god, dogging the picture, do not use Dolin Sweet Vermouth.

Seriously, this is where we’re at now with Kotaku? How is this a) important news or b) related to gaming?

I was really hoping she would be the result of Darth Plaguis shooting his force load all over the cosmos and getting some junker knocked up.

Exactly. Anakin was nobody and look how that turned out? Most significant figure in the universe. Rey can be a nobody and still make a difference.

Regarding AD REVENUE, I’m gonna make this comment here because why not. Jason, I use adblocker normally and I regularly see the requests from Gawker sites to whitelist and help you guys with ad revenue. I tried one time, and the first ad I got was a Swedish Fish video ad that took up almost the entire browser window,

You didn’t need to tell us you were a Bengals fan. We would have known.

No one has to finish AC:O...