As someone sitting on 2 exotic bounties, the extra slots are appreciated.
As someone sitting on 2 exotic bounties, the extra slots are appreciated.
Deadspin has the best commentors.
"Mr. Weed, I can't come to work today. I was in a terrible plane crash, my entire family was killed and I am a vegetable... I'll see you tomorrow."
I can't believe you're upset Jon Stewart said fuck Norway on his comedic program.
And it was sooooo pandering.
Get with the superior console, scrubs.
I usually prefer the double-down. "Sure I'm a complete cockmongler, but eff u Gabe is a fat POS and I'm going to double-murder him now."
Incorrect: I do not care about GamerGate.
>imagining Ganondorf getting down for some sexy time with Zelda to the soft strains of House of Balloons
"Part of the fun, in fact most of the fun, is figuring it out on your own."
>ranking reggae anywhere other than last
Even that is excessive. You can get all of the aroma you need simply by tapping the leaves against your palm. Works best when you have a sprig of something you can hold firmly.
Kickstarter is a fucking joke anyways. Credibility my ass.
In case anyone was unaware, Harold McGee is your god.
Deadspin commenters are funny. Well done.
Nah brah, iced coffee is where its at.
I do appreciate that they try to be funny while being complete cocks.