I should clarify, this smacks of Molyneux levels of bullshit.
I should clarify, this smacks of Molyneux levels of bullshit.
This smacks of bullshit to me. If the console had to be online 24/7, I could see this being a possibility (outsourcing processing to the cloud), but because there is only a 24 hr check in required, developers will not be able to develop games that mandate cloud computing because they will risk alienating users that…
I'm still waiting for a game about filing my reports on time.
Only the online component, similar to how developers can currently implement online pass requirements on the PS3/360.
It's a fair point certainly, but it sounds like the difference is that Sony will allow publishers to implement DRM if they want to, whereas DRM is built into the Xbox One model and Microsoft will allows publishers to disregard it if they see fit, so there is a philosophical difference in the two models. The good news…
Dubstep was inevitable...
Nintendo can't really win because they're not competing for the same gamers anymore. At this point, the majority of Wii/Wii U gamers are in it just for first party games, so until there are compelling Zelda/Mario/etc iterations, the Wii U will be slow.
The Korean ideal of beauty takes about 100 grand worth of plastic surgery to achieve, so I'm going to have to go ahead and discount their opinions right off the bat. Sorry Korea, but your Barbie doll kpop starlettes are not appealing.
Keep up the shitposting, Patricia.
Men can easily fantasize about strong female leads. Malik from Deus Ex is a good example of a character that wasn't sexualized in the game or made weak due to her gender, and she was still highly fappable.
Would help if these comics were remotely funny. Perpetuates the stereotype that women aren't funny.
Sequel to Resonance of Fate please, Sega.
Ironically, the video froze exactly after Kiefer said "I'm not a gamer."
Who on earth would do such a terrible thing?
Beat me to it.
Occasionally, a really good game will have achievements that help the player to experience everything that the game world has to offer without forcing the game to overstay it's welcome. It's nice when I find a game like that, but they're not very common.
I'd read it.
For a second, that tiny text looked like it said Herpes Bazaar.
Classic idort.