Andrew Thompson

Thanks, giant beers!

Raimi produced the last few Grudge movies; I don't think a single Ghost House production has what could even charitably be called "crazy with the violence" other than the Evil Dead remake.

"He also revealed that he and Ja Rule picked the site after landing there when they misjudged how much fuel was left in their chartered planes[…]" Sounds like the setup to a lousy adventure/horror movie.

I dunno, I thought the biggest surprise was that two people looked at this fucking lunatic and thought, "Yeah, this is the guy who should have custody."

I always thought those ghosts were just kicking Pac-Man's ass.

So they just contradicted that time reality started to unravel when O5-Scott got a fatal wound?

"The Ledge" gave me nightmares. I think it may be the only thing I've ever read that did that.

I thought it was because of intense fits of terror over the idea that their clothes might smell of dank.

The only one that looks different to me is Gypsy. Like, the head's…narrower, or something.

That's a rare sentence.

I dunno if I'd go quite that far, but I agree with the gist of what you said.

They make that joke.

Drive Angry tries way, way too hard.

Comment/avatar synchronicity

Rodriguez didn't direct the Stab sequence. It was Craven poking fun at the Weinsteins for threatening to have him replaced by Rodriguez.

Weren't the Ultimate books at one point supposed to be totally separated from each other?

I hear he did not have a good time on Furious 7. (Not much of a surprise.)

I thought this list was gonna be about ostensible Final Girls who ended up not crossing the finish line. I've been had. And now I'm having flashbacks to The Dorm That Dripped Blood.

Yes. The original comment baffles me.