Felicity used to be a golden glow of humor & warmth in an otherwise grim show.
Felicity used to be a golden glow of humor & warmth in an otherwise grim show.
Thanks for clearing that up, although I still think it was nice of Bonnie to have told the truth to Analise. Sam's endless lying (I swear to God if he says, "I swear to God, Annie"I will flay him Bolton style) is just the worst.
He's neither mean nor nasty but he is absolutely boring. And I would rather have mean, nasty characters than cardboard cutouts.
I think it was just absolutely silly that the chasing of the Freelancer boiled down to Agent Mike & Agent Wig. When they were in a closed compound. Surrounded by FBI agents. I am definitely not a security expert but I think I've seen enough shows & movies to know the first rule to such things is COVER ALL EXITS?
Rebecca's attitude is utterly grating, especially if you consider that the people she's rubbing off against are the people who are TRYING TO SAVE HER *Viola Davis epic line delivery here*