Andrew Siribohdi

Does anyone else wonder what happened to that poor producer that was almost beaten to death? He was simply doing his job only for him to have a VCR (?) smashed against him and also out of a job.

I've always had weird feelings about TLM tv show.

I loved the "Rasta-Hulk" reference.

What are the chances there are leftover car keys from that one Oprah giveaway underneath one of those chairs?

There's an ongoing theory that Thirsty tampered with the DNA results to make it seem like Lola was not the daughter.

I love how the Lyons instead of talking about their problems and issues like normal people, go out and make music videos or do live performances about their problems.

When Cat began giving her speech about relying on Hope instead of Fear, I knew this show got Superman so much better than Man of Steel or Batman v Superman ever did. And that part about "Killing is never a solution"? Cherry on the top.

There was an oddly high amount of pop culture references tonight and not just from Curtis.



Sadly, I do agree with that. I do think her story in the Telltale formula really hurt her character.

This might seem unrelated, but if anyone played the Telltale version of Game of Thrones, what did you think of Mira?

Yeah, but I wish that transition would've been more natural. I thought the Jekyll/Hyde stuff was just cliche at this point.

I felt that having Trajectory/Eliza's motive for taking the drugs being "oh she's crazy and hearing voices in her head" was just a cop out and just a weak motivation. I think they should have at least have her committed to being evil rather than "taking this speed drug will make you hear voices in your head and thus

I'd be open for it, if I didn't feel like there was this big riff between the Netflix universe and the Movie universe. I know they're supposed to be part of the same continuity, but I heard various legal deals could prevent it from happening.

Doesn't the whole Karen vs. Elektra romance have an icky subtext to it, as in Karen is the Madonna/Goddess while Elektra is the Seductress/Whore? Doesn't that sort of reduce them to parts/roles only for Matt to choose between his dual personalities?

“An immortal Psychopath and racists. I’m beginning to like this quaint little town less and less.”

Couldn't this be considered transphobic? Casting a cis actor/actress to play a trans role?

CLEARLY, the highlight of the night was the revelation that a Pizza Hut ran out of cheese during a climatic moment.

It's most likely an (over)reaction, in which the executives are saying "Better safe than sorry" and just want nothing to do with it anymore.