Andrew Seifert

even if the bolts exploded, I think if the car is on its roof the doors will still be stuck in place. not to mention if there was any body flex the doors would have been stuck shut anyway.

"Ewww, whats all this white stuff on the seats?!?!"

that would be a pimp's dream. whorehouse on wheels. wouldn't even need to rent real estate anymore with a setup like that.

they mark the degeneration of a generation, for sure. I wouldn't piss on them even if they were on fire.

tail lights are the only pitfall here, everything else looks badass! It could have been a little more conservative, especially with the bodywork but I think it looks presentable as-is.

bad idea, he could be mistaken for an airstrip at night out there lol.

I actually find myself cheering for the comeback Vikes...well, just a little. I didn't mind losing to the Vikings in Week 17 since then it meant the Bears were out. If there's one team I can't stand, it's the Bears, and seeing them miss the playoffs was a pleasure.

as a Packers fan, I second that motion.

It won't be long now before Liam Neeson shows up. Then shit gets real.

why is this filed under the Car Crime category?? Shouldn't it be in another, more relevant category like Lolcars?

me too. maybe she was originally from Floriday, who knows?

I find the donk people to have the worst taste in car paint jobs, by far. here's one subtle example.

sure I like the Fox body mustangs, but for $9.5K I would probably be looking elsewhere.

wow what a story!!

the new corvette, without a doubt. this is an american icon, and I hope GM doesn't mess it up.

Makes me think of the Blackwood......


I find it funny how half the discussions here are about the Pontiac Aztek in the background. Jalopnik, I love you!

it's Walter White on a meth run!

bloody cock, as our good friend James May would say