I would feel slightly better about if Hillary was also a decent human being. But I’ll take it over Trump or Carson or, God forbid, Cruz, that’s for sure.
I would feel slightly better about if Hillary was also a decent human being. But I’ll take it over Trump or Carson or, God forbid, Cruz, that’s for sure.
“Unfortunately, you can’t buy the original version of the movie anymore”. Hey Disney, you own Star Wars now, right? Do you like $$$? Someone told me you like $$$, Disney. Guess what, I’m a huge Star Wars fan with $$$ that would like to own the original unaltered movies in HD format, and I have never purchased nor…
I’m not an expert, but a big chunk of experts in Defense seem to disagree with your dismissal of laser weaponry.
Hmm.. I’m not convinced by the hype machine, I think Jose Aldo will destroy Conner McGregor in Saturdays match. You would think the UFC learned its lesson a few weeks back, that all the pr hype in the world doesn’t mean a damn thing once the doors to the Octagon close and Herb Dean says Lets Go! Jose Aldo has been one…
That’s the Zumwalt’s sister ship, the U.S.S. Beldar.
You can tell he’s a true Bills fan because he’s so comfortable working from behind.
The Tomahawk is a sitting duck for any IADS and the only chance that such a cruise missile would have of making the ‘love connection’ would be to numerically overload the defensive capability of the system.
We don’t really have privatized healthcare. Sure, private companies own the assets and set the prices, but the private health insurance system that pays all of the bills is government subsidized. If you receive medical insurance from your employer, you don’t pay a penny of tax on the premiums, which are actually…
I live in the real world, not the world of politically-motivated inflation adjusted witchcraft. We’re spending far less on defense as a function of national income (GDP) and total federal outlays. Tax revenue has remained relatively constant since WWII.
Racist against old people? That’s cute. What do you suppose will happen to government revenue when more people are working and paying taxes?
I love how at first one might think this was Beijing, nope it’s just SLC. “The SLC air quality has been raised from orange to Beijing for the next 3 months.”
Our country’s infrastructure has been crumbling for decades. Sometimes around the 1960s to the 1980s, it really does seem like our nation’s leadership just sort of gave up
No but that’s why many companies make other DLC for later on or cosmetic content to keep people busy.
They’re running a business
I don’t have a problem with DLC. I have bought many pieces of DLC. I understand that DLC provides a way for a studio to keep people employed beyond when the base game drops.
Still, day one DLC is the hardest of sells to me. I understand the cycle is game gets developed -> main game development is finished and is sent…
I’ve played Warhammer for 15 years (not age of sigmar though, sorry GW you lost me). CA would absolutely have my preorder if they didn’t do this bullshit, but I can’t support splitting Chaos off as DLC. They are possibly the most important faction in Warhammer.
You can convince the minutemen to follow along with any of the other factions. Even the institute.
Actually it would be more accurate. In the book the infantry wore power armor carrying mini-nukes that launched off their backs.
this seems like a common argument ive been reading and its just backwards. Company finally bends to the complaints that have been rolling in, but now the complaints never actually had any affect and its just the company lying?