
Here are some caveats to Supply lines.

“It’s being dumb to make a point” was the thesis of the entire article. The article you just commented on. Did you read the article?

I would like to know more.

I saw this movie on a first date. I loved the movie, did not get a second date.

Just dump all your junk into the workbench. When you make items/mods, item in the workbench automatically break down.

Them duke boy are gonna be in a whole heap of trouble.

Normal procedure.

Found on ebay:

2015 USAF Ghostrider Gunship
One of a kind
Babied...never tracked or raced...never wintered.
New wings and recently replaced OEM flight crew buckets.
$50 million OBO.
No tire kickers, no mavericks.

It went over it’s designed load limits. The airframe was compromised.

Now playing

The first exchange, not 20 seconds into the fight, left Rousey with a welt under her right eye. Rousey’s eyes widened in what looked to me like surprise.

Agreed. They kept people calm and secured.

That’s top notch crowd logistics right there. Multiple incidents outside with possibly more developing. The safest place those people could have been was inside that stadium. If you let them all out, not only could it lead to panic and stampedes, but possibly a coordinated attack is awaiting them outside.

I think it was a fantastic job by the responsible people to prevent mass panic. They had no idea what was waiting outside until the police secured the area, and they had to get a huge amount of people out of the stadium without causing any panic. To wait until the game was over and then to open up the gates to the

Not sure what you mean with: “$500 PC not goign to be very good”. What is the measure of good? Ultra setting 1440p, 60 FPS? ‘cause sure a $500 PC sin’t goignto do that, but consoles sure as hell aren’t either.

all strykers are green, they dont change the color. This is the same one we had in Iraq, same color

Trigger finger mittens

That’s funny. I’m sure not a lot of people don’t know what an Akhio is. I don’t miss pulling those things around.

Not sure about the Strykers, but the HMMWVs in Alaska were modified with high backs with an arctic quilt and arctic heaters in the seating area in back.

This brings back many memories of dragging an Akhio sled around.

How realistic are they going for? I don’t want my video game characters telling me to get off my lazy ass and mow the lawn.