They could but the Super Hornet Advanced would be a much better choice due to commonality with the Hornets they have
They could but the Super Hornet Advanced would be a much better choice due to commonality with the Hornets they have
How long have you been with the F-35 program?
a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being…
Looks to me like a case of asshole (swerving into them) on asshole (speeding recklessly, passing in a no passing zone, no safety clothing) crime.
Truth hurts some times.
They were driving high and endangering other innocent motorists on the road, sure I’d rather they’d not be dead, but fuck ‘em. These are the kinds of people who wipe out other people’s families simply because they’re getting their own jollies off.
Most definitely. The Bungie I grew up with (during their Halo days) was full of interaction with their community, amazing weekly updates, fun little Easter eggs and humor in their games. They used to fight with Microsoft to allow free maps and content for their players, but look at them now.... Cutting large amounts…
O’Donnell believed the Bungie spirit was being compromised by the Activision agreement, and perhaps they were.
What’s up with business executives thinking they have better creativity than creative people/team or meddling with the creativity up to the point they piss off everyone? We also keep hearing such in behind-the-scene stories in Hollywood.
It’s amazing how close they got their design to Lockheed’s solution for XST even without the ECHO1 program. That right there tells you that, while simulation will yield a faster result, they probably had smarter people on their team working on the stealth problem than Lockheed’s team. Granted, that costed them the…
Smooth CVT? CVTs are the worst. They make the car sound sick. They make the car sound like the clutch is slipping.
Can you use a clutch pedal? You sound like you can’t use a clutch pedal.
If the 911 were supposed to be as fast as possible, the engine would be in the right place. Basically, it would be a Cayman with a bigger engine.
Jeez... Burning all of your bridges before leaving? Don’t forget to lock the door on your way out!