Consumers can still say no and not spend money
Consumers can still say no and not spend money
Dont be a smart ass the overall temperature in the states is much higher than Europe and you cant compare LA to South carolina the Pacific current keeps the west coast cooler.
yes but the point is they do it with class
And you know France is on the same latitude as the north east.
He can claim it as an artistic work for directing and editing his video.
Your absolutely right I just wish hackers would target trolls there is no need for that type of behavior.
Magnesium is lighter, more scratch resistant, more dent resistant, and more crack resistant than aluminum. Its only weakness to aluminum is its tensile strength to weight ratio which does not really matter on a handheld device.
BWM did the 'i' first.
So top quality pellet guns do 1200 FPS with 20-25 Joules
They don't know because they are scared of them.
Changing an AR-15 to Auto is actually real simple and the parts are super accessible. Rip you trigger assembly out and replace with a gold box trigger and sear. The bolt carrier shouldn't be an issue just wont got to 780 rounds per min the m4 is capable of.
I agree but wasting a year on reelection is dumb.
Bring on 300fps
If anything they already proved the sky crane landing system which might be the only viable way to get humans on the surface of the planet.
Presidents should not be able to get reelected in this day and age. 1 term and done.
Even us Americans do not like the stupid shit our government does, but this was for mankind.
Nuclear power is the only 'working' long term energy solution we have here on earth.
And you know radiation is everywhere in space.