
AR stands for Armalite Rifle(AR)

Wrong the Army uses M4's for years without full auto for years because full auto is fucking stupid and would you not say that the M4 is not an assault rifle?

Its actually a Stoner Rifle(SR) Battle rifle really goes with the M1 Garand M14 Variants

Can I ask you what AR stands for? I dont think you know.

DONT DO THAT SIG IS NOT A QUALITY AR MAKER. Best handguns is the world.

Its not an AR its a SR.

Cool but does this take into account illegal trade as well? Because the US is #2 in exporting illegally.

Cost prohibitive.

50 cal rounds cost 9 bucks apiece

Former skydiver? no such thing you will jump again

You would already be in flight anything that goes wrong its to damn late to be paranoid.

Yellow cake ice cream is the best.

I would give NASA 20 bucks if they asked me straight up. Its not for charity it to get work done.

IDK but that M16 looks like it needs a lube job

Whats more awesome is NKorea still cant do this...

Gold winged boots go back in mythology to the Sumerians and Indus civilizations and is repeated in Greek and Norse mythology.

Wrong you ketchup hater.

I have never had driver issues on ATI/AMD cards but always have them with nVidia?