
Smal claims court could get a return on your money.

Yeah and post deployment my reaction time was down to .05s to react to a gunshot, but most humans are not at the extreme level of readiness. With video games many tests have been done proving faster reaction times in the brain from the eyes, but gamers do not use their entire body. A sprinter most react the give all

Have you ever burned down a palm tree. Its like the cockroach apocalypse.

The human mind still has to register the sound and react.

Human registry time? Even ready it is still in the .25s-.29s range

Keys are cheap and when someone wants to force their way in they will find it. From the simple kick to lock picking. Nothing will stand in the way of human will.

Lossing consciousness in a free fall spin is a death sentence.

Yeah even the 81mm is really to much to be man portable. 18lbs rounds will do that. The 60mm system is most common for light infantry.

They still do not know what happens when he breaks the sound barrier

Mortar fire is called in by infantry who have line of sight. Its also why mortar-men are still classed as an 11 series(infantry) instead of artillery.

Oh yeah mortars hit targets all the time with their 70% of total enemy casualties in afghanistan.

Inaccurate is not fair considering the bast radius on a standard 120mm is 75 meters and a volley beating zone of 150 meters which is great considering you are trying to kill people fast. I see an issue of too much accuracy.

Thats what they are good at... 1 new m4 cost 1200$ the second its signed over to a unit its worth 495$...

Well their late track record the ACR has not lived to their name. Remington makes a better rifle but will make you pay for the word Remington etched down the side. If you want something with that level of quality the market vastly begins to close down to only a few names.

OMG you might have to do metal work to your lower!

Well microsoft/google are smart they don't actually make a device in house. So its not like their big targets. Samsung/Apple are the tip top of phone sellers and they want each others share. It would not make sense to close the market to smaller companies who survive off innovation.

Power control say maybe a task manager.

Yes but a slightly used HK 416 upper will only be around 900$. You have to consider a lot of people bought it because they thought it was quality fired 500-1000 rounds outta them then stepped up their game to better options.

True and i do believe if you get only one chance to use you gun rights. If you abuse them then you should not be able to get them again.

Why can't i have my small arsenal? I only have 4 AR-15's(1 full auto; 2 with suppressors), 2 SR-25's(both suppressed) , a M249(full auto pre ban belt fed), several hunting rifles(.308, .338, .410) and a few Shotguns.