Hamlindigo Blue

The White Walkers without the wights are like six dudes (well, not six, but few enough that 10,000 soldiers and wildlings armed with dragonglass oughtta be able to take them). Also if dragons make dragonglass, and dragonglass kills white walkers, makes sense that dragons kill white walkers.

Look how fast they got to Eastwatch by boat, it would take no time with dragons. Also she could send one or two, which would more than suffice, and still leave one or two behind, which would more than suffice.

That's what I was thinking…

Okay, call me a killjoy, but seriously, couldn't Dany just send all three dragons north of the wall and torch the army of the dead in like a day and a half? They move pretty slow, they can't really fight up… seems like an easy fix with no real risk to anyone…

"They weren't REALLY fucking…"