Andrew Reisman

don't do this ]:<

That's pretty funny. I was into both Aesop and TMG (by the way,… when Coffee came out, and I flipped out in that way that happens when you realize that two beautiful humans know each other and like each other

Almost unrelated, but Rickety Rackety is the saddest song in hip hop for exactly this reason. Mu, Aes, and El just hanging out, rolling off each other's verses and completely out of fucks to give. It gives you the sense that they could have really been something together. Then you realize that it was one of the last

Cordcutter Island!? That's not… a real place!

Can you tell that she's planning prevenge?

Is it only hundreds? At this point I'd say he's somewhere in…

Also, his role is the Leader. Everybody knows Leader-types get a +6 to nomenclature. Isn't that right, Archmage of the Aether?

I thought it was Kalculus.

Two weeks ago: Crisis On Two Earths
This week: CoIE
Two weeks from now: Infinite Crisis?

At least he needed the money.

Hey, I like that one song by Black Kids. I haven't watched this episode, but I'm willing to bet they played "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend To Dance," which is the aforementioned "one song."