Andrew P Street

Oh, but The Tick has so many great one offs. Baby Boomerangutan! Bi-Polar Bear! SARCASTRO!

"It's been a big, brave year for us as actors."

When I was eleven the Tennant-inspired realisation that the world contained jobs where you got sent free albums and wrote about music all day BLEW MY MIND, and I blame him for my ending up on a similar career path. And also for having a huge PSB collection.

"Say, anyone wanna buy a saxophone?"

Hunt has never gotten his due, in my opinion. His Muppet characters were all gold, and he was freakin' Don Music (and Placido Flamingo) on Sesame Street.

Ned's Atomic Dustbin were grebo, man, not Madchester. Don't tell me that the NME invented all those complicated genres for nothing.