
I think I'm too old to get this reference.

The Mountain needs a new plaything after the septa.

Aw, you think there will still be more books. Cute. jk

Was seriously hoping for either this, or see him living on Dragonstone now that everyone had left.

But from what I hear they become prisoners, so hopefully executions come swiftly.

If GoT were filmed with a live audience they would need blood tarps a la Gallagher.

Why are you the only other person to make this connection? As soon as they mentioned that the vault was impenetrable by metahumans I figured they would give up on the macguffin plan and just hide Iris there. The fact that they didn't, or even posit the possibility of this, makes this the worst episode of the season in

Not as good as the South Park one though.

I could be mistaken, but I thought that they kept the magic door in, and Sam had to take Bran to show him. They handwaved needing Coldhands to show Sam the door by having him find it in a book at Castle Black.

Successful troll is successful.

Remember there are many ways to get through the wall. That's how Bran ended up there on the north side to begin with.

Big possible consequence: since the mark of the Night's King can undo the magic of the Children, it could also undo the magic of the wall, keeping the White Walkers on the north side. If Bran tries to escape South, the Night's King will be able to follow easily. Or the mark will prevent Bran himself going South.

Big possible consequence: since the mark of the Night's King can undo the magic of the Children, it could also undo the magic of the wall, keeping the White Walkers on the north side. If Bran tries to escape South, the Night's King will be able to follow easily. Or the mark will prevent Bran himself going South.

When will D&D reveal the true mystery of season 6: where in the hell is Sir Pounce?!

Where in the fuck is Sir Pounce?!

So, this whole season I've been lost. When did Lansky and Luciano decide
to take up arms against Nucky? Or are they just greedy and trying to
control everything?