Andrew Oppo

Why are there 4 zeros after all the dollar amount commas? 88,0000 is NOT 88k - it’s 880,000. 88k is 88,000

“certain aspects of the email you sent last night to non-management employees in the brain group reflect behavior that is inconsistent with the expectations of a Google manager,

FWIW, the route next to it was named “Head Like a Hole.” The upside is that we can be fairly confident that these routes were put up in the mid- to late-90's.

How was it ill-intended?  It was just a Nine Inch Nails reference.  It has all the racism or sexism of walking by someone wearing a NIN shirt.

You know, after a long career as a journalist, in which I checked my sources thoroughly and always adhered to the truth as closely as possible, I realize I could have had a lot more fun, money and notoriety if I had just made shit up. Professionals trying to sell plagiarism and fantasizing as just part of the job of

Ok, ok. Point taken. Growing up, my family had trouble with the local cops, as did others in town who didn’t pass the *white purity test*. I began to notice an uptick in police abuse/brutality somewhere in the mid-70's that I assumed, at that time, to be ‘the establishment vs. the hippies’. Although I was painfully

Why the snark?  People have big trucks for various reasons.  My mom has a big Dodge Ram, that she uses for various reasons, none of which involve hauling bricks to a worksite.

You just broke news of the day.

This is a very uncharitable take on the article. 

I have to say that Ricman’s Snape, especially int he first movie, has a heavy foppish nature to him. He’s like Cruise’s Lestat in that he’s intensely cruel but very charismatic, and definitely showing some femininity in gestures and the way they work the garments. The movies also sort of imply that Snape is bullied

I wouldn’t throw stones.


Having been homeless in Seattle, I can tell you there are two types of homeless dudes.

I got beef with you now, Summers:

Same. Mixed-race (Black/White), but I tend to just check “African-American” or “Black” because not every form lets you check more than one.

I suppose if it were based around white families, few people would notice. Since both shows are about Black families with so few shows being about Black families, that alone makes it look sketchy.

You’ve made me re-think what I wrote, and I wouldn’t write it if I had it to do over. The best thing you can do for me is

That’s fine, but they did this because a Hispanic applicant is going to get a bump while an Asian will get dinged. They own this fully, and I don’t blame them at all for gaming the system because they don’t set the rules.

That’s legit, she is both of their child, and has both of their genetic make-up. I’m super-white, but my kid’s last name is hispanic, because they are half-hispanic. I’m not trying to get over, but if they get benefits because of their (legit) heritage I’m not going to deny them. 

She’s an idiot, for sure. But this seems to have happened so quickly, my guess is OnlyFans had something like this in mind already. She was just an easy excuse to move forward with it. They’re not exactly a benevolent force. 

I was addressing your mischaracterization of this: