
My boy is named Biscuit as well. Thank you that is all

I liked remake, the original is one of my favorite games ever. I'm totally on board for the changes too. I just didn't like the whispers as a concept and would have much preferred things just being different. I didn't need a 4th wall breaking meta reason for why the story is different. Looking forward to seeing where

One million years ago when I was in high school and lived with my parents, my room was in their unfinished basement. I came home from work one day and found a snake crawling out of my room. The worst part was not knowing how long it had been in there. Days? Hours? Had it been in there when I was sleeping? The horror.

Ssomehow even as hard as the end is, the time you have with them is still worth it. So sorry Stephen.

Tseng looks 10 years too young.

How do you decide the headline to go with for stories like this? I understand that it must be extremely difficult, but it seems a little... I don't know, unrefined?

First, I’ve never played Fortnite and I don’t really get into multiplayer games or esports at all.

Seems like a pretty significant difference between $12 and $20 an hour, even you state that $6-7 dollars more is significant. Not trying to nitpick you, but from a wage laborer perspective, even $1 or $2 is a huge deal. Obviously I have no idea what a fair rate would be for testers.

I think the obstruction case actually gives a legal reason for impeachment finally. Like you say, Americans elected Trump either choosing not believe everything their senses told us about him, or specifically because of his views. Not sure that before the report came out there was, as the fact that he is a racist

Same as it is for lots of (younger) white people. We'll all vote for Biden over Trump. And we'll all be right and wrong for doing it.


I see this issue too, although I think there are multiple solutions. Take Diablo 3 for example. You get all the skills as you level up, but you are still limited by load out and gear. I think in that case giving you all the skills allows you to experiment but still focus on a particular style.

Yeah unfortunately he clearly does not w as not to work with Omar anymore. It's funny Keeley ended up taking his spot.

We're not so different, you and I. At least when it comes to taste in music.

I think most parents that spank do not think through the action. Its usually just the quickest and easiest punishment at hand. But it effectively tells children that if you don’t like what someone else is doing using force is a good way of getting what you want.

Good questions raised here, but at the same time, if someone is making a lower income wage and doesn’t have money to even afford the relatively small cost of a bank account, I don’t know that any change in credit policies are going to help. That’s not to say I don’t think its important to try and get more people

Can anyone tell me is the 50" Toshiba is going to be ok for gaming? I've heard 4k TVs can have pretty bad latency issues and don't want to get burned by a fire TV. 

Can anyone tell me is the 50" Toshiba is going to be ok for gaming? I've heard 4k TVs can have pretty bad latency

Las Vegas I’mma let you finish, but...

I really tried to play the first 2 games, but I just couldn’t figure out the interface. I feel like I missed something in gaming history and now I just can’t get it. Like, do I have to unequip weapons any time I enter a town? Why is everyone threatening me?

When I was dating my now wife, who is black, my grandmother once asked me, “so you’re dating a Canadian?” I think I looked at her for a good 15 seconds before understanding what the hell she was talking about. Yeah grandma, you can say black, it’s ok.