Andrew Mochulsky

You know what makes the strongest allies? A common enemy. And we are genetically programmed to find that common enemy through child-rearing.

It took me a minute to figure out that this is straight-up cashiering math. It's the "thirty-four cents makes twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and five makes twenty. Thank you, have a nice day [forced smile]" we all know and let's say love.

That dude's torso a.) deserves its own major religion and b.) comprises the entirety of my hypothetical suicide note.

Yeah, statistics nerds are total idiots that ruin everything. Like these dummies that talk about "odds" and "smart plays" and "you shouldn't bet so aggressively with that hand" and "please think about your wife and children" when I'm playing poker. Buncha dweebs ruining a game of entirely unpredictable randomness that

The voice an instrument. Any musician can succumb to any number of environmental problems: bad monitoring, bad acoustics, you name it. Yo Yo Ma in an average metal storage shed is going to sound terrible because of an unbearable combination of tonal mush and harsh overtones. And that's not factoring in the human

Seriously. This was in National Geographic in the 80s or very early 90s. I want to say... Texas? Because, well, Texas.

"Robert. Shut up."

Holy shit he crafted his own life to read like the premise of an independent comedy. MetaFulcher.

Initial reaction: "how does Rich Fulcher happen in the first place?"


So your theory is that Byron Scott is saying and doing stupid shit as a big rope-a-dope? Scalding take, that one.

My favorite thing about "MIZZOU JOURNALISM WOO" guy is that he didn't even do the rote journalism-y research necessary to vet his own claim. That is, the only MIZZOU NUMBER ONE WOOOOO ranking I could find was the result of a nonscientific poll of Radio Television Digital News Association respondents, with less than

See, this is why I've established a complicated series of stream and block ciphers with my grandparents to authenticate phone calls. Unfortunately, scammers are always one step ahead, and have recently started spoofing their phone number and flooding me with social engineering nonsense about broken hips and having

Based on the most recent MLB projects, it'd take three to four years to go from groundbreaking to opening. They gotta play somewhere in the interim. And in that interim, ARTIC opens, and several construction ordinances would expire (meaning either the city sees some more groundbreaking, or they get a nice payout in an

Why should Anaheim feel any pressure? That land would bring in as much or more tax revenue (property, sales) as several discrete businesses than a single stadium would—and with ARTIC going live soon and the apartment market in Platinum Triangle buoyed by all the UCIMC employees that want to live close to their jobs,

"Disappointed" doesn't begin to cover it. Yeah, it sucks to not watch football. That's the whole fucking point of a boycott: if you didn't care to begin with, then it's not a boycott. I'm not in the midst of a lengthy candy corn boycott: I hate that shit, and wouldn't eat it even if $5.00 of every $1.00 of candy corn

Calling that op-ed personal essay citing a single Oregon State University study an "article" is vaguely correct in an "it is a bunch of words published by a periodical" sense. It is also a load of horseshit that attempts to conflate environmental concerns with what amounts to a largely inconsequential personal choice

Do you think concern about carbon footprints started by uneducated parents raising similarly uneducated children to not care about resources, etc.? People agitating for change do not appear ex nihilo.

Selfish irrationality is pretty much the defining characteristic of humans: we constantly and unblinkingly do things that are objectively deleterious and of dubious motivation for the sake of convenience, pleasure, etc. These pants? Probably made with sweatshop or sweatshop-like labor. The coffee I drank earlier?

  1. No matter how much you love your little girl, jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel.