
@RDRR: I'm not sure what version it rolled out in, but you can create and edit playlists directly on the iPhone now :)

@SuddenImpact: Wait, what? Did you reply to the wrong person?

@SuddenImpact: I'm not insulting you as a person over the Internet; such an action would serve no purpose. However, I am willing to say that the argument you have presented here is indeed the real big fat fail.

@peasant slayer likes how you: This. I was just thinking about it the other day. I could be 1234, someone else in the house 5678, etc.

@Keith Whistler: I'm interested as well. I'd love to see how this works. And hey, if it helps your weight, good for you :)

@mat: As far as the jogging goes, that's where one of my favorite workouts from my days of running track comes in: going on a 4-5 mile run at a fairly brisk pace (5:30 mile pace) with several 1/8 to 1/4 mile sprint intervals (sprintervals, I call them) spread throughout the run. As in all-out, everything-you've-got

@gstatty: While I agree that this is all pretty theoretical and possibly even complete BS, I think we're to understand it as being that each person has their own MED. For example, "If you need 15 minutes in the sun to trigger a melanin response, 15 minutes is your MED for tanning." (Emphasis mine.)

@JakeMG: Abides: Not being a dick. If someone says that they've found out something and its oh-so-cool, when in fact it's how something is oftentimes taught in the first place, there's nothing rude about pointing it out.

@JakeMG: Abides: You keep posting that and I'm not seeing the excitement. That's how I learned to check my multiplication by 9's in like 2nd grade.

@CaptMorgan74: Maybe I just got a good deal, but when I got my iPhone I was able to add AppleCare for only $50. Normally I pass on that kind of stuff, but it includes battery replacement.

@kimchibrown: If it had a matte screen or if I could find a really good matte screen cover/protector, I would 100% agree with you.

Problematic for me, as all of my Navy communications and forms are supposed to be filled out in all-caps.

@Alduron: I remember Windows XP had something, I think called StickyKeys, built in. If you pressed shift 8 times, it would lock it. Same with the control key. Or just hold it for 2-3 seconds.

@vitorgatti: If you're typing correctly, you actually do need 2 shifts. I myself only use left shift, but when my middle school way back when forced us all into taking typing classes, we were taught to use left shift when capitalizing a letter typed with the right hand and right shift for typing a letter capitalized

@thechansen: Even better: buy out Yahoo!, then remove the comments section entirely.

@lmaonade: False. Such a name would actually encourage me and, I am certain, an increased majority of the Gizmodo user base to use it.

@OMEGAMAN: HDMI output will likely be a no. Why let consumers do with a $4 non-Apple HDMI cable what AirPlay will let them do with a $99 AppleTV?