“The software in question does not affect handling, consumption or emissions. This gives clarity to customers and dealers.”
Wow, there is a lot of hate for California. Let's keep up the good work, my fellow Californians. They're all just jealous!
Yeah, Infiniti said they were going after BMW 13-14 years ago when they launched the G35 and FX series. Those were great, groundbreaking designs with impressive performance. Too bad they've not managed to come up with anything truly exciting since then, in fact the current models look like restyled (or, more…
Both genders lower standards to avoid loneliness: This one may not take a PhD to figure out, but research from the University of Toronto shows that the stronger the fears of being lonely a person has, the more likely they are to compromise their standards to find a partner.
OK, I'm with you now. But another explanation could be that Jalopnik isn't reviewing the cars that would likely fall below the average. They're reviewing new, "interesting" cars and ignoring the ho-hum models. (Which is fine with me.) I'd like to see a review of a car that scores a 50 or below. The editors should…
Because the expectations for a BMW are much higher than average.So, every little failing gets a lot of attention but the car is still way above the norm.
Even though I liked the E60 5er design, I was in a very, very small minority. Probably a minority of one. The haters, yes, haters, said that it had Dame Edna's glasses, looked surprised, and was far too overstyled. I can understand that, I just don't agree.
"So yeah sure in the future, I hope we can account for that."
That language is pretty wishy-washy and non-commitment for a car that's gotta be halfway through its lifecycle already.
It's called ergonomics. Look it up.
That's why I said "least annoying" :) Cuz they are all somewhat annoying.
The modern, fresh design that would finally help GM catch up with the Japanese! (Version 3 of 26.)
I adjust my mirror frequently. I don't know why, maybe some days I slouch and other days I don't. But I would find this placement on the underside of the mirror absolutely maddening. My 3-series has a cool emergency button on the ceiling, with a little door that flips down, cockpit-style. I like it.
I am the biggest BMW fanboy in the world but this is just gross.
I wish I could picture what a Q50 is right now. I honestly cannot. I love Infinitis but not their new naming system.
No. iDrive is by far the least annoying of the various control systems.
Oh no, I feel that this comment has ruined Mini for me forever. This is all I can see now. Terror. I don't want no scaredy-cat car!
Prices are almost as bad in Australia. I considered a move there a few months ago, but could not imagine giving up driving a Beemer. They are almost twice as expensive down there as in the US. It's awful. Does anyone have an explanation for this phenomenon? How come we get cars so much cheaper here?
I owned this version. Great little car. Got stolen a year after I bought it. Sad.