Cheh Poh'r

So this "cool story bro" thing you are working....isn't really working. Furthermore I would relinquish this little quarrel seeing as nobody else...and I mean nobody 'round these parts....has any negative feelings towards a Volvo 240.

This is what I thought of.

This makes me shed a tear. WHY CAN'T WE HAVE THIS IN THE STATES!?!

+1. Cherokees are perfect. And with that live axle in the front the weight is only something like 3300 lbs and with a torquey 4.0 they have a lot of stock potential.

I second this motion.

It's cool but I don't see how you could extrapolate economy, cargo space or practicality from that.

Last time I suggest this I swear. But the E30 325E. Great gas mileage, incredible durability, lightweight, comes in 4 door and that gloriously hoonable tail happy RWD chassis. What more can you ask for?

My tastes have since evolved somewhat, this is the one that started the madness for me.

I have to hand it to Dodge they took a pretty bland rear end design and made it much sexier with the facelift....or butt lift or whatever.

I hadn't noticed before how similar in shape the Subie's tail lights are to the Maserati.

Dat ass.

Badass is probably a better word for it.

Tribute to a fallen hero.

Hooners gonna hoon.

I will second that motion.

I don't know about the flappy paddles. If I can has 6 speed manual then I will be happy.

I can has turbo I6?

That's nice and all...but not want. Plus they are super rare so hardcore hooning would be frowned upon.