Andrew Ho

I have never heard of that movie but I'm sure it's great. Actually I may have seen a scene from that movie on TV and assumed it was the Reb Brown movie.

Was that in Green Lantern? I can't remember much of that movie other than the joke about his domino mask which I think was actually funny.

Reading up on it I can't seem to find anything concrete about Colleen and Danny dating. They're married in the Ultimate universe though.

But Danny's dated Colleen right? That's happened hasn't it?

Man even a guy with the name Anti-Monitor didn't like it?

Reagan loves lobster.

Wonder if the music one is common? I definitely tried to get music suggestions from my crush and may have said I liked them more than I did. And a lot of other media but music was a big one.

Really? The thing for Vietnamese people is that we talk fast. In both languages.

Semen. It was covered in semen.

I'm pretty sure that's all mothers but Asian moms in particular seem to extra worry.

It probably wasn't JUST dirt.

It just seems like he wants grandkids so much. He never stops talking about it.

I think we're forgetting the main thing…does this Kai breakup effect Nick's relationship with Tran!?!?

This episode did nothing to calm myself about the writers trying to kill Winston. A support group? A support group!

Me and my brother have a running joke watching New Girl that it seems like the writers want to kill Winston or something and I'm really considering it with Kai. I love Winston but man if Kai doesn't seem like my dream girl.