
Yeah that was scary shit.

I mean, if you're just looking for pure performance to shred benchmark tests then I guess. But MacBooks and ultrabooks are one of the biggest and most important markets now. It's hard to find a quality one that's well made/has acceptable SSD capacity/a great battery for less than $1200.

Why not?

All Apple products have automatic switching 100-240v power supplies. You just have to swap the removable plug portion and replace it with something from here (no circuitry in those, just different shaped connectors).

I prefer my regional supermarkets (Meijer), local grocery stores (Spartan), or hyperlocal grocery stores (Hardings).

can't wait to make the entire inside of my car smell like WD-40.

You can't request a packet of paper checks, no. You can use their fairly robust & free Send Money tool as an alternative. Type in a name, address, when you want it to arrive, recurrence (if you want) and how much. They'll print a check, do all the postage, and mail it for you.

Most of the younger people I know only feel pride in their Android phones because of how easily they can pirate music directly to them, circumventing iTunes and PCs. I know, because the only app they have installed is FREEMP3Downloader or some shit.

h.264 as a codec took off because it's fairly efficient as far as bitrate vs. quality, but it's SUPER resource-unintensive to decode on the fly. Was great for the original iPhone's ARM11 400MHz processor to decode, at the time, high-res video without stutter.

or, you know, watch Prometheus, or The Hobbit, or The Social Network, or The Book of Eli, or really any movie made in the past 2-3 years.

I admit to some hyperbole. Having multiple opened tabs up is fine, but opening half a dozen-or-so links in rapid succession (cmd-clicking a few homepage links within a second or so, bookmark folder) causes Safari to chug.

13-inch Mid 2011 MacBook Air i5. After 5 minutes of my home 6 Mbps it just froze. I tried it here (25 Mbps) and it finally loaded completely after a few minutes. Runs fine.

Makes Safari 6 crash-and-burn. Really all of Gawker makes Safari 6 crash-and-burn.

iFlicks does this

I want this machine so badly on my desk right now.

I hate American tipping culture. I still do it because workers depend on it, but I hate the idea: "You were only worth $3 of nice today. A little better and you could have been worth $5 to me!" Commercialize politeness. I feel like they're forced to put on a show, at the end of which we throw money to them. Wish it

I mean, I totally understand the appeal of 35mm film though. I was a projectionist in an all-digital 15-screen once. We still had a couple "thirty-five" projectors wired up for Indian films and such every couple of months. They were awesome. Great large turning platters, countless little well-oiled, infinitely

Strange to me, how the same "film" critics who crucify digital projection for being blurry and unrealistic, also despise HFR 3D for being "too realistic".

Okay, the traffic cannot possibly be worse than the 2012 British Grand Prix. Officials were encouraging people not to come on Saturday it was so bad.

Pissing off the court is exactly what Apple wanted. Like they care about forking over a few million in fees.