
Cars. They're really just large pits into which you throw money.

What's wrong with a MacBook Air?

Try the same video file on a different PC. It sounds more of a Windows/hardware interface issue, not a Handbrake issue.

No gaming or video editing?

The 100-240v switching power supplies that Apple ships are really one of the nicest touches of their products IMO. Buy the World Travel Adaptor Kit and just slot in whichever tip you need for the country. Works for everything except for the US iPhone USB adaptor, which is 110v only. I travelled Europe this summer with

Apple's profit is in hardware margins. They have to make money on the device.

After using a loud toilet with no discernible buttons on a bus in England a bit ago (I was traveling), this arrangement awaited me across the bathroom at the sink.


There really isn't an easy way to do any of this TBH. One of the major areas technology has to improve.

Normally I'd just recommend you buy a hardcore MacBook Pro and use it for both mobile and desk, but if you're doing video work...

I live 20 minutes from the Air Zoo in Kalamazoo. Free admission, and they have an SR-71B smack dab in the middle of it. No railings or barriers. You can step up on the short platform and touch it in as many perverse ways you desire, short of climbing on top of it.

I tweeted this, but:

I spend so much time futzing around trying to get earbuds in perfectly when I have them. It's just frustrating. Also I don't like the... foreign? feeling of shoving earbuds deep into my skull to get a good balanced sound. Always feels like I have a lump of artificial thing screwed into me.

You could always go old school and just wire a light switch to the recep.

Articles that recommend you don't enable TRIM are usually recommending you use drives with SandForce controllers, like those manufactured by OWC (well respected Mac accessory maker), which apparently do enough GC on their own that TRIM isn't necessary

iTunes for Windows only ever existed so non-Mac people could sync iPods, and later iPhones and iPads.

Marco Arment (Instapaper dev, blogger) just had a Twitter question about this (scroll to 24 Sept).

Just tried this with the 5W iPhone power adaptor, the 10W iPad adaptor, and the high powered USB on my MacBook (I'm through, and brave):

As far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong), a disused AT&T iPhone is still carrier locked. If you just popped in a non-AT&T SIM it wouldn't work. You'd have to "unlock" it, which means either begging to AT&T to unlock it or go through a third party service, which typically costs ~$50.

VOTE: Pilot G2 (navy)