
It depends. What are some typical things you do on your Android phone?

People pumping the accelerator who have no business doing so are sort of like people who defrag Windows 7 who have no idea what the hell defragmenting is. Somebody (incorrectly) told them to, and they think it's the proper way.

If it's an Apple Airport Extreme router, just plug it in, run Airport Utility (search for it in Spotlight), YourRouter > Edit > Disks. Enable File Sharing there.

The 16oz. version can only hold a single cup worth of liquid, FWIW. It's not really intended to be a teapot replacement. More of a single-cup infuser replacement.

I fill it with water, swish it around, then toss it outside. Super easy.

They used to ship all teas in tins, but stopped a few years ago because of the expense.

I actually do have a valid Canadian passport (dual citizenship, long story), so I could pull it off.

I've posted this before, but I'm leaving in two weeks, so here goes:

If you can show me a "better" more well-rounded laptop than this, I will stand corrected. It's likely I'll still have a disagreement though.

Hey thanks man.

Looks pretty bad in ultra-dense metropolitan areas like Manhattan, and I know the internet doesn't understand this*, but for other people who live in less dense suburban or rural locations, Apple Maps looks quite good, if not better than/equal to Google Maps. Traffic, I'm pretty sure, is meant for Interstates and

I am that person who noticed it first :)

Good. It shouldn't have gotten iOS 5.1. Already runs like shit.

5by5 and 70Decibles produce some of the best two host podcasts online. I particularly love 11 Minutes as a short, cheeky podcast, and Enough, not so much about Macs as lifestyles these days.

I would argue "I think" is not automatically implied to statements like that, but I might be daft.

A fair point. The argument that you can do more could be made both ways.

"I can say whatever the fuck I want."

Are you saying that the hundreds of millions of users, and hundreds of professional device reviewers are wrong, and you, PR-0927, are the only one who is correct? That if only they were a bit smarter, they would realize that yes, iOS is terrible, and how could I have been so wrong?

The pure unbridled rage in these threads is more reminiscent of OS X/Windows.

see my response in this thread.