
Easier to do does not necessarily mean less powerful.

Easier to accomplish a very similar task generally indicates the process is better.

Not all people wish to be bothered with choosing between DC processors and 3D cameras and screen sizes and whatever else Android OEMs feel compelled to shoehorn into their phones to create bullet points/drain the battery. It's nice not feeling the stress/disappointment of knowing your phone is outdated mere months

Macs just start up and work right away, doing... not much. But for what little they're capable of doing, they do just fine.

why did this article make you quit reading Lifehacker?

"You're comparing jailbreaking ONE device to HUNDREDS. Of course it's easier"

Time Man of the Year is/was determined as the person who had the most influence upon the world at the time. Hitler, Stalin, and now Zuckerburg, all pretty much qualify. It's not the most beloved person or the most favorite.

Do NOT dual boot Windows and OS X. It can work, but your bootloaders will be at each other's throats, and Windows won't like you at all.

If you really do travel quite a bit, you should invest in an Airport Express, and you can get one from Apple for $69 refurbished []

Save and buy. Trying to install OS X on your existing PC can work, but as a former hackintosh enthusiast, very very unreliable and frustrating. You'll need to buy a second hard drive, new sound cards that will work in OS X, and endless trial and error, backing up, reformatting trying that one new .kext to see if it'll

Format a large flash drive using Disk Utility on the Mac as ExFAT (essentially FAT without the 4 GB file limit).

Format a large flash drive using Disk Utility on the Mac as ExFAT (essentially FAT without the 4 GB file limit).

Very true, I misread. Apologies.

read somewhere that the only thing Jay Leno was guilty of was having better contract lawyers than Conan. His severance package would've been a LOT more than Conan's.

read the article

read the article

hold Option, click the Go menu. Easier for infrequent trips to ~/Library

well, looks like SOMEBODY just discovered iMovie!!

with my family would get me $70 joke gifts.

Heyo Kickstarter!