I had a boss when I was a teenager who swore by this stuff. I had to remind her that the dark scummy stuff it would create from scrubbing stainless steel sinks was not dirt, but was in fact bits of sink it was eating away.
I had a boss when I was a teenager who swore by this stuff. I had to remind her that the dark scummy stuff it would create from scrubbing stainless steel sinks was not dirt, but was in fact bits of sink it was eating away.
Not sure if it's been mentioned on Lifehacker before, and it's a little basic, but the Cmd-Tab box has a couple tricks. When you highlight an icon, continue to hold Cmd, then press H to hide all windows from that app. Also works with Q to quit that app. You can quickly close all apps this way by alternating between…
Pretty sure they need to adjust the Kalamazoo borders about 1 mile further east. I am not in Battle Creek dammit! #ruralproblems
Was image fail. This one: [upload.wikimedia.org]
That might be the most pompous looking building I've ever seen, and I've seen a fair few Apple stores.
Well in that second link, they said the demo was shown on a 70 ft screen. This IMAX screen is almost 152 ft, which would, I would think, stretch those pixels a bit more.
Video at 0:17...
This Foxconn thing really gets my dander up. Especially when "normal" people who know me as the Apple guy feel really cool confronting me asking how I feel about Apple using child labor and sweatshops to make iPhones.
Well Thunderbolt/Light Peak is basically PCIe over a small port, so some PCIe card enclosures have been announced. Basically like a daughterboard add-on.
Adding transitions is not encoding. I guess it sort of is, but is so nonintensive it is typically handeled by the GPU.
I was actually wondering recently how Path so magically knows when somebody I know joins Path. I assumed some Facebook wizardry, but I guess not.
Did they try tapping the gauge?
I've always used X Lossless Decoder for OS X [code.google.com]
Lots in eastern Michigan. They're starting to creep west/south, too.
Also found in the Midwest and New England, basically anywhere near Canada. There's dozens in the Detroit/Ann Arbor/Flint area.
It really depends where you go. On Lake Michigan, South Haven (5 miles from a nuclear plant) is brown and tastes of runoff. Pentwater, however, is lovely.
"Vostok is thought to hold more fresh water than any other lake in the world..."
via Lifehacker
This is more for video pros who would like external/semi-portable storage for live-editing 4K video, not backups.
The use of Times New Roman and Lucida Grande really sold it for me.