
Well grats bro. Now that you have it working, I recommend, no order you to either partition your hard drive or buy an external drive and make a full clone of your working installation immediately using CarbonCopyCloner. This will make a bit-by-bit copy and will allow you to boot off of it if your installation is

No. While you can get an AMD chip to work on OS X with hardcore coaxing and prayers, it'll never be reliable to an average user to use day to day.

If it worked fine without the Kexts, and you have sound/ethernet and can update without issue, then why add them.

Is your current Mac unsuitable for your needs? Do you have a use for an 8 core system?

Your bootloader is unable to startup. This could be for a variety of reasons. Assuming you have the same build and followed the directions correctly, I'd check your BIOS settings, mainly the Storage Config and boot orders. Make sure you don't have a stray flash drive, hard drive, or CD plugged in someplace. It could

Not sure if you got that reply

Shouldn't have to worry about it until the first OS update (10.6.x), but after that you should (need) to remove it on every update. SleepEnabler is generally stored in /Extra/Extensions but could be elsewhere depending on your build. To remove it, you do just that: move it someplace other than its original folder,

What, do you never leave the house without your trusty packet of Heinz?

You'll find the alternative Twitter icon in the .app file. OmmWriter is the mysterious black circle. Final Cut Pro comes in and out if I'm working on projects.

Firewire, I.LINK, and Lynx are all proprietary names for the IEEE 1394 interface. A rose by any other name. And the probable reason they switched to Copper is A) cost (vs fiber-optic) and B) for power transfer, as straight Light Peak has no charging capabilities at all. Methinks Apple will rebrand Intel's Light Peak

The idea of Light Peak is the concept of one connector, many functions. Not just Data or power transfer a la USB, I mean half a dozen Light Peak ports per laptop, and that's it. One cable for Data, audio, charging the laptop, video-out, etc. All hot-swappable, interchangeable, and at 10Gbps. No more potpourri of

You can also press Command-[First letter of the button] to trigger most buttons in dialog boxes in OS X. For example, when you try to save a document that has unsaved changes, you typically get a menu with "Don't Save" and "Save". In this instance, pressing Cmd-D will trigger Don't Save, and Cmd-S will trigger Save.

You can also press Command-[First letter of the button] to trigger most buttons in dialog boxes in OS X. For example, when you try to save a document that has unsaved changes, you typically get a menu with "Don't Save" and "Save". In this instance, pressing Cmd-D will trigger Don't Save, and Cmd-S will trigger Save.

@rmardo: No. You must use a retail Snow Leopard DVD.

@doug7172: In general, yes. Especially with this build.

@Bramsey89: Are you sure? I checked some of the sites that got set up to see if your account was included. Results came up negetive. I also checked with the kind souls in the special thread some 'noisers set up to verify your account. They said I wasn't in the torrent.

@joe916: An i7 was selected for this guide because they're "top of the line", fairly inexpensive, and are used by Apple*, which means out of the box support with minimal effort.

@john.destefano: It's much more complicated than modifying a few Kext's. Installing OS X on an AMD system, while technically possible, is usually far too much trouble than it's worth, as it involves replacing the official "Darwin" kernel with a third party, or "chocolate" one, most commonly the Voodoo kernel. Which,