
@ReberIsReber: I actually read this twice, took screenshots, and posted to #whitenoise asking for assistance. What are you, 12? I really don't know how to respond to this amount of rudeness, ignorance, and unintelligence.

@ReberIsReber: Did you read my previous comment at all?

@Matt Lyons: You know, your right. When choosing where my house was to be built in the 80s, I had to weigh two things: how much land I had, and how fast my internet will be in 20 years.

@Thundergamer: "Lack Access" means not offered. You need perspective. I live in the country (read: no city, town, or village, surrounded by fields). I feel very lucky to have DSL. Only on my road between X and Y is there access. Everyone else I know uses some form of dialup.

Attn: All

@Camron: There's a service called Fever ([] )that does something similar to this. It analyses all of your feeds and consolidates them into a single story if they have the same topic. It then ranks these stories by frequency mentioned.

@MkFly: It can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 6 months for your public avatar to change. Don't hold your breath.

You forgot to compare it to SpaceBall 1

Looked like a Fleshlight at first glance, to be honest.

If I may request something, could the App deals link directly to, instead of the deal hosting site? For one, they often list an iPhone app as iPhone/iPod/iPad, and while it can technically run in iPad, it's not a universal iPad/iPhone app. Also, sometimes the link's are down, lie today's first two currently

@pixelpushing: If you care for the Fisheries and Tourism in the Gulf, should you not be supporting BP, rather than boycotting them? They are footing most of the bill, you see.

@mikebayer76: The point being, we need to find better ways to protest that are not fruitless and don't involve putting bystanders out of the job.


@Phouka: the redistribution of jobs looks fine of you are talking of figures on a jobs summary at the end of the quarter.

@mikebayer76: Logic would dictate that it's not that easy to "switching brands". Again, this is not my specialty, but I assume that when the stations were built, franchise owners signed a contract with, for example, BP, so they foot the bill for most of the construction if they agree to buy gas from them.

@Californian: BP sells crude to the refinery, they refine it into gasoline. BP then buys this gas, adds their own special additives (think Shell's "Nitrogen-enriched V-Power"), then resells it to franchises under their own brand.

@pixelpushing: It's not that it doesn't effect BP, it's that it doesn't effect BP, but does make people unemployed and, as they're so fond of saying on the evening news, ruin's people's livelihoods.

@Californian: Not sure if you're being snarky or not, but BOTD I suppose.