
I mean, hey, listen, I don't think what happened to him was right. But I feel no need to feel SORRY for him. And while I don't think it's ethically right for an unrepentant serial rapist to get brutally raped in prison, there's no way I'm going to feel BAD about it. We're allowed to feel good about something that

Except for a number of high-ranking Catholics, of course.

To be fair to the director who DIDN'T rape a thirteen-year-old, 1) prostitution fantasies are extremely common, and 2) acting out the role of a passive sexual object is a huge part of female sexual expression in the west. In a culture that puts out self-contradicting and judgmental messages about active female

As someone who does tend to think in very game-ified, detail-by-detail ways about a lot of things, I find it fascinating that nobody (that I know of) has put out methodical guides to dating/getting laid that aren't misogynistic. I'm very open about the fact that getting into feminism was one of the best things that

One guy to another, it sounds like she's being an asshole and you should get out of there.

In general, you'll take this to be biased, but here's my general experience, having had many different political thoughts regarding feminism over the years (my dad's kind of an MRA, and raised me accordingly, though I'm a

I've dated a few ladies with the femstache, and the issue with femstaches isn't "women shouldn't have mustaches," it's that women's mustaches are never sufficiently bushy enough, so they end up with this weird 14-year-old boy stache. I don't have time for that. Go big or go home.

Seeking: mid-twenties responsible

So, what you're saying is, you have a micropenis?

I'm a slight & scruffy guy, she was a total babe who also telegraphed vulnerability. Groups of guys would catcall her.

The worst professor I ever had was VERY liberal, the chip-on-the-shoulder kind. She was also a female professor in a very male field (composition), and rather than effect positive change she basically acted like a parody of a feminist professor and took out twenty-year-old bitternesses and beefs on male students. She

We have a greater awareness of etiquette, rules, our surroundings, politics, sex, responsibilities and all those other things as we grow older. It's not even propaganda, it's just that when you remember your 20s, you remember a time without responsibilities, when you remember your teens you remember pop culture from a

Politics aren't the best judge of this, either; I've known some very politically liberal teachers who are awful at adjusting to students, and conservative teachers who are great at it. It's more to do with personality than politics.

Not to mention that half the writing staff is typically culled from Harvard or Northwestern's improv and sketch groups, which again are very white.

Nope. Nope.

We also dislike our voices in recordings because recordings are usually taken at close-range, which means they add stuffiness and nasality. Rarely do we talk directly into people's ears the way we speak directly into microphones, and most of the time those microphones aren't calibrated for accurate representation of

But men with Aspergers vastly outnumber women with Aspergers, and female Aspergers is much less of a dating handicap than its male counterpart. I agree he should be looking into those avenues, but dating young NTs isn't a bad additional strategy.

We don't dislike the characters because of what they do in their lives, we dislike characters because of their effects on our enjoyment of any given story.

All of the music choices they've shown have had an instrument providing consistent accent on downbeats, which means they're demonstrating a certain aspect of rhythm. What would be interesting is to see them keep the beat when given something more complex, like a funk rhythm that has a kick and snare displacement.


Yes, being personable in required social situations is a rare trait that must be taught to actors in order to round out their artistic skills.