
Eh, I wish I could explain, but as someone who's been there - been in a working, loving, communicative, sexually fulfilling relationship that just didn't work for reasons neither of us could fully explain - I really can't give a concrete reason why. It's just, sometimes you know that you're the wrong people for one

The UK wouldn't have the money to do anything if it weren't for the earnings from her holdings. Her "salary" is taken from the money that she earns the government. You're maintaining a bunch of impotent royals, yes, but you're doing it at a profit.

There's only one way to find out.

Criticizing or protesting Israel looks an awful lot like villification when you're brought up, like most American Jewry, to vehemently defend Israel as if its very existence hinges on every internet debate.

Because normally reasonable, secular, uninvolved Jews tend to flip out and cry anti-semite and "damaging to the Jewish people" any time you say shit about Israel?

There's also a common decency clause here. "I don't agree with you. I can counter your arguments wit X, Y and Z." This can often couch some really chilling behavior. If you're arguing for something that is obviously hurtful to other people - racial profiling, for example, or opposing gay marriage - and the person

I feel like these are the same idiots who complain about homeless people who have smartphones. Yes, why on earth would these poor people dare to spend $36/month on a gadget that connects them with loved ones, resources, job opportunities, and spirit-lifting entertainment all in a compact and portable package.

It's not that they'll laugh at you. It's that you'll never see them, because you won't be able to make or keep any plans with them, ever. And because their parents are using phones too, this can fuck up study sessions, rides, the whole shebang

1 & 5) This is in reference purely to emergencies, especially those that happen before and after school, when the school can't call because how would it know?

Addressing some of the more ridiculous points being presented by well-meaning fogeys and non-urbanites:

Yesterday my phone battery went out for three hours in the evening. In those three hours, I missed two job opportunities, three time-sensitive requests from my boss, dinner plans, and a possible date. And I'm a lot more responsible with making plans than a high schooler is. Perhaps the world has changed for a lot of

That's not an option when your entire peer group - which also includes study partners, collaborators, rides home, etc. - makes plans on the fly, using their phones.

Does your tiny precious snowflake live in the largest and most crowded city in the United States, where schools are often more than an hour away in completely different boroughs, accessed by means of a complicated transportation system that goes through many different and often dangerous neighborhoods?

I agree! Top secret: I made this and am a self-promotional tool who exploited a jezebel thread for youtube hits.

Now playing

Sorry folks, but this is the best one I've heard so far - these guys put a horn and string section on the song and did a full disco arrangement. Totes pro.

I've been lucky enough to mostly teach at private schools, where the pay is lower but so is my stress.


Paying your taxes is actually easier when you're broke - it gets more and more complicated and harder and harder to estimate (and to catch mistakes) when millions of dollars are coming your way. That's why it most often happens to people who suddenly jump several brackets - like when Glenn Beck screwed up his taxes a

I have a vegan girlfriend, and can attest that vegan farts are the most awful farts on the planet.

Working in an artistic field that can double as service almost inevitably leads to kid-oriented jobs.